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Vanderson Rocha, MD, PhD

Hematologist, Eurocord scientific director


For the past 25 years I have been the scientific director of the Eurocord program and  registry in Europe, an European and international registry of cord blood transplant (CBT) recipients, with the leadership of Professor Eliane Gluckman who has performed the first cord blood transplant. During this period, we were able to perform more than 200 papers including 3 papers in the NEJM. I had my Master and in 2001, my PhD degree in Therapeutic Biotechnology of the University of Paris 7. From 2004 to 2010, I was president of the Acute Leukemia Working Party (ALWP) of the European Blood and Marrow transplant group (EBMT), elected by the European transplant centres. During this period more than 50 papers were published in high impact factor Journals, including NEJM, JCO, Lancet Oncology, Blood, Leukemia.  In 2007-2008, I was an invited professor of the Centre of International Marrow and Blood Registry (CIBMTR) of the Wiscosin Medical College, establishing collaborative studies between EBMT-CIBMTR. In 2012, I was nominated Full Professor of Hematology of the Oxford University in England and Principal Investigator of Stem Cell therapies of the National Health System of Blood and Transfusion (NHS-BT). In 2013, I was nominated co-chair of the Graft sources committee of the CIBMT for a period of 5 years. In 2014, I was invitated to be a co-investigator with Professor Eliane Gluckman, with a grant from Monaco, that established an international collaboration of hematopoietic Stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for patients with Sickle Cell Disease. In 2016, I was nominated Full Professor of Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil and President of Pro Sangue Foundation, the largest public Blood Bank in Latin America. After this period I have extended my scientific publications to other fields of Hematology, such as onco-hematology, transfusion and infectious diseases in immunocompromised patients.